Anyone notice that
Liberals are not liberal
Progressives are not progressive
Liberals/Progressives are the greatest supporters of the FBI, CIA and other alphabet agencies now that they have been captured by their political fellow travellers
It is conservatives who are defending women's right to their own space and sports (where are the liberal feminists?)
In academia, you are discriminated against for being too good (Asians, white males)
The uniquely indispensable role of a woman, becoming a mother, is de-prioritized by opinion makers for careers
Modern architecture is ugly
Modern art is ugly
Contemporary literature has become more female and ethnically dominated and consequently less interesting unless one enjoys reading about lived experiences (rolls eyes)
Contemporary popular music is unspeakably obscene and worthless
Hollywood movies are unwatchable
Europe has a death wish
Organized religion is a tool for elite control
Organized science is a tool for elite control
The mass media is a tool for elite control
The education system has been subverted to brainwash young minds with non-traditional values
Traditional has become a dirty word
Family has become a dirty word
Masculinity is frowned on
Femininity is frowned on
Male femininity is celebrated
Female masculinity is celebrated
Almost all office type jobs are bullshit
No doomsday climate change prediction has ever come true
People cannot discuss issues of the day without getting heated up
One should avoid, as far as possible, junk and processed food
Instead of being rebellious, young people are the most fervent supporters of pro-establishment views
Western civilization has probably peaked
All international organizations and regulatory bodies have been suborned to promote the Western narrative of the day
The powers that be can afford the best experts that money can buy to push whatever narrative they have in mind
Almost everyone demonized by the mass media turns out, on careful analysis, to be not as bad as painted out and often even commendable
The reverse of the above is also true
The stating of once non-controversial common sense facts can be fatal to one's career
Too much noticing can be fatal to one's career
Social media has turned an entire generation of women into incurable narcissists
The most unforgivable solecism is telling an uncomfortable truth
Even the most cursory digging exposes the sham underlying almost all current viewpoints. Why do so many remain ignorant?
The emergence of life-long politicians that start their career at university by networking and cultivating contacts/patrons has killed democracy
The emergence of polling, focus testing, advertising, public relations and spin doctors has killed democracy
You cannot mock any religion except Christianity
You cannot mock anyone except straight, white males
Diversity mandates are the road to mediocrity
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